Sunday, October 19, 2008

Deer Hunting 2008

Sunday, Oct. 19th 2008, last day of regular deer season and they pulled it off! 3 deer today! They went to the traditional spot, of "Napsinger's" land which is where Ryker got his 3 point buck. Later they moved to "Kelly's" place in Tucannon, which is where Jenner & Ryan got their deer. I think we are set on red meat for a while")

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ryan got his Moose!

Ryan had a great 7 day hunting trip up in Canada with 3 other guys. He had many adventures! 1) one of the guys was bucked off his horse and broke his one rib in 3 places, bruised his heart and kidney and was helicoptered out to the hospital! The whole ordeal took 24 hours to get him out of the forest, to the hospital and finally he got to call his wife to tell her he was ok, but she had to go get him and bring him home where his is on bed rest for 2 wks! What a scare! 2) Ryan and the guys had a grizzly about 30 yards from them that actually stood up and did the scary grizzly thing! The guide Ryan was with stood up and yelled at the bear until it ran away. Ryan said he was never so scared as that moment! There were grizzly everywhere! They were always on the look out! There are tons more stories, but Ryan must tell them") We have about 400lbs of meat now and a nice 41" wide set of antlers! (The cape was cut to short so we don't have a head mount, but I'm ok with that") We haven't tried the meat yet, but I'm sure we will this weekend!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I pickled my peppers")
I picked all my jalapenos off the plants when I took down the garden the other day. (see "1st harvest crew" )So I put them all in mason jars. hmmm, I think I should have used smaller jars. What are we going to do when we open a whole mason jar of jalapenos? there's about 2 dozen or more in each jar! But honesty, I just needed to pickle the pour jalapenos so they wouldn't go to waste. I just only wanted to make one batch") I found the recipe on line. I'm hoping and thinking it will work?") pretty easy. I'll report back once we open a jar. Maybe at our BBQ when we break out the Moose and Cow and Deer! Oh, you'll hear about that soon")