Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

Ryker's pumpkin is this EKU one, in case you were confused") Well, Halloween was really different this year.
First of all, I have a high school student. Guess where he was. I know what your thinking, but Ryker, is a better kid than Ryan or I") HA! He just hung out at the football game down at lampson stadium, watching Southridge games, both Freshman and Varsity. Came home and got ready to go duck hunting with his friends, Troy and Casey. They came up empty handed, no ducks.
Jenner, 6th grade, middle school. HE was at the party! Past his curfew no less, oh, and forgot his phone. He was a Crazy Mariners Fan. Crazy being the wig")
Baylor was a cowboy. Don't you love the pose! Ryan and I took him trick or treating around the neighborhood across the street. It took about an hour and he was done. He ate 3 snack Hershey crunch bars and went to bed. He got a 1lb zip lock full. Not bad this year. I don't think we'll get fat of this candy...last year we had enough candy that it lasted us through the new year!
Ryan and I watched "The Strangers". I was so excited for this movie because I love scary movies. Ryan, not so much. He watched it with me, but the next day, well the next night, after I let the kids watch it, cause they like scary movies too, he informed me it was giving him nightmares! Not terrible ones, but the movies freak him out. It is based on a true story, so it freaked me out too! But not, night mares! I felt bad. I promised to never make him watch one again! The boys didn't think it was very scary.
So like I said, different. I only had one costume to put together, and how much easier could it have been? Jenner came up with his on his own. Ryker I didn't see that day from 7am - 10pm! I think my kids are growing up.

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